C ve C++ ÖzeL KodLarı Mevcut Özel Kodlar, Veri YapıLarı Ve aLgoritmaLar
Binary Search Tree - Customer Management System
Şirketler Linked List-te tutuluyor ve , her bir şirketin müşterileri, BST ile kayıt altında.CClient - Server Programming - Text Based Database Application
Client ve Server, TCP/IP üzerinden haberleşerir, ürünlere ait veri tabanı server üzerinden aktarılır CSUDOKU Generator - Solver
Rasgele Sudoku üreterek çözer - Yada kullanıcıya çözdürür C++Text Based Database Applications
Binary veya Text dosyalar üzerinde kayıt tutulmasıC/C++Polynomial Calculation Application
Polinom hesaplamaları, türev ve integral C/C++Least Squares Approximation
En küçük kareler yöntemi ile İntegral hesabı C/C++Linear Equation Solving
Doğrusal denklem çözümlemeleri C/C++MFC - WINAPI Programming
Visual C++ ortamında programlama C/C++Financial Database Applications
Finansal veril hesaplamalarıC/C++SIMULATIONS:
Segregation Model
Brian Arthur Model
CAR WASH Simulation
SUDOKU C/C++Circiling Robots
C++Parse a line of integers seperated by commas:
It will input a line of integers separated by commas into a string variable, parse the string and compute the sum.
C++Gettion out of maze game
C++String Literal Extractor:
reads the C++ source file line by line and parses each line to find out string literals in it. Each string literal, depending on the number of word in it, stores in various output files to together with its line number.
C++Soccer - Football League Point Table Generator
C++Large Integer operations:
Calculating with very large positive integers. Using polynomials, add and multiply large integers.
Tries, TrieNode, BinaryTrie, Tree
C++The Skyline Problem:
Using Heap, Priority Queue
C++Infix To Prefix Convert:
Converts an algebraic expression written in infix format to prefix format. Uses Linked List and Stack implementation.
CInfix To Postfix Convert:
Converts an algebraic expression written in infix format to postfix format. Uses Linked List and Stack implementation.
CFixed Point Iteration:
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